Leadenhall provides City with another icon
Leadenhall, otherwise known as the ‘Cheesegrater’, is expected to reach its maximum height of 225m next month (February), as Severfield-Watson Structures erect the final pieces of the structure’s 18,000t of steelwork.
The use of structural steelwork has played a key role in the design and construction of the iconic tower. It has a unique building design, with an external mega frame structure providing the lateral stability, rather than a central core, with an offset self-contained service core located on the northern vertical elevation.
The northern core contains lifts, risers, and toilets, and allows the main building to have large open spans with only six internal columns needed for the larger lower levels.
With its distinctive tapering shape the completed building will appear to be leaning away from St Paul’s Cathedral. The structure’s floorplates will have a variety of sizes ranging from 1,500m2 on the lower levels to 550m2 at the top.
Ground floor to level five is known as The Galleria and will be an open public area linking into nearby St Helen’s Square.
Practical completion to the shell and core is scheduled for mid 2014, and the building is set to achieve a BREEAM ‘Excellent’ rating.