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Lattice beams go on air in radio studios

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Specially manufactured triangular lattice structures are providing visible upright support for essential equipment in a temporary radio broadcast studio in London.

The lattice structures are positioned inside three glass walled pod-type radio studios, while  11m long lattice trusses with 50mm diameter bottom chords create a framework for overhead lighting.

The pod-type studios are built within the station’s open plan offices, allowing close interaction between presenters and production teams. Architect Sheppard Robson specified Metsec to provide lightweight framing for the studios with designs that meet strict requirements for acoustics.

Matthew King of Sheppard Robson said: “The new studio has four glass walls in the shape of a trapezium on plan, the back wall with acoustic treatment. The Metsec frame is free standing to avoid noise from the soffit above. There is a 3.5m lattice column at each corner to mount display screens and web cams.”


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