NSC Archives


July 2014 – Innovation on show at SSDA

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Welcome to the first digital-only edition of New Steel Construction, we are confident it will allow you to continue appreciating our blend of vital steel construction news and advice, along with reports from the most interesting sites where steel is featured.

The publishing world is definitely going digital and even though there will continue to be paper versions of various publications for many years to come, cost effective and user friendly digital magazines are becoming the norm. NSC has only started its digital journey and there will be further developments to enhance the reader experience and help keep readers up to date on steel construction developments.

A key development is the introduction of mandatory CE marking of fabricated structural steelwork from 1 July and you can read all about that in our CE Marking article (pages 8-9). Ensuring that only CE Marked steelwork is used is now a legal responsibility for all members of the construction team.

Clients, main contractors and insurance companies must ensure that steelwork contractors they are involved with have the legal right to CE Mark to the Execution Class required on their project, but this due diligence exercise can be made simple by selecting a BCSA member as their status is audited by the BCSA as a condition of membership.

This first digital issue is also the one where we feature the winners of the Structural Steel Design Awards, now in its 46th year, along with the winners of the Student Design Awards which themselves have been going for over 20 years. As ever, there has been a stunningly impressive range of entries showing the best of architecture and structural engineering as well as showcasing the quality of fabrication that the UK steel construction sector routinely produces.

There have been many striking structures among the Award winners over those 46 years, with this year’s crop including a London school, a leisure centre in Worthing and The Kelpies, a unique sculpture in structural steel at Falkirk. The Commendations included an innovative bridge at Hull, a private house in East Sussex, and a major City high-rise commercial development.

Innovation, cost effectiveness, sustainability, high aesthetic values and efficient construction is a common thread linking them all and the student entries demonstrated there is no reason to fear a shortage of innovative ideas coming through in future.

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