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Galvanizing for car park extension

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Joseph Ash Galvanizing has successfully galvanized over 400t of steelwork for a second storey extension to an existing car park in Stevenage.

The project involved galvanizing a series of 16m-long beams and wide plate flooring. Joseph Ash Galvanizing’s Chesterfield plant was chosen as the plant is said to be able to handle the largest of projects.

Joseph Ash Chesterfield is also said to be unique as it can offer both an assembly and trial erection facility, which reduces major transport and secondary storage costs.

The galvanizing of the beams and plate flooring took four weeks, although most of the work was completed within the first 48 hours of arriving at Chesterfield according to the company.

All of the steelwork was then assembled in the covered facility at the Chesterfield plant and, once this was complete, the 16m long by 2.4m wide units were coated and treated to the customer’s exact expectations.

This ensured no wet trades were needed on-site, and all the work could be carried out within ideal conditions for painting.

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