NSC Archives


Education Buildings supplement available now

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The Steel Construction – Education Buildings supplement, produced by Steel for Life and the British Constructional Steelwork Association (BCSA), is distributed with this issue of NSC and available online at:

The supplement gives an overview of the sector and is the latest in a series of supplements from the steel sector that aim to keep construction professionals abreast of developments that will help them in the design and construction of steel-framed buildings.

Using site reports of projects that are either under construction or recently completed, the reasons why steel frames are consistently the preferred market choice for education buildings are explained.

Speed of construction, cost-effectiveness, sustainability and future flexibility are just some of the reasons why steel frames are selected for around 60% of education buildings.

The steel construction sector has provided many of the finest educational buildings in the UK, from primary and secondary schools to leading research establishments for universities, as well as large student accommodation blocks, sports halls and other leisure facilities like swimming pools.

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