CE Marking of structural steelwork published by BSI
The CE Marking standard for fabricated structural steelwork (BS EN 1090-1: 2009) has been published by BSI and has been available since 31 August 2009.
This harmonised standard allows CE Marking of fabricated structural steelwork and its scope covers buildings, bridges, towers and masts, tanks, silos including purlins, decking, sheeting, cladding, curved members, cellular beams and partially fabricated sections provided by stockholders and service centres.
The standard also has legal implications for stockholders, service centres, steelwork contractors and manufacturers of steel products. “This legal position is likely to change,” said Dr David Moore, BCSA Director of Engineering.
“The Construction Products Directive (CPD) is currently being revised by the European Commission and is likely to change from a directive to a regulation.”
This will mean CE Marking as a regulation will become mandatory in all member states including the UK and the Republic of Ireland. The revised CPD is about to enter its second reading and it is anticipated that it will be accepted by member states and come in to force in early 2012. CE Marking of fabricated steelwork will also then become mandatory in early 2012.