BCSA launches carbon footprinting tool
At its national meeting last month the BCSA launched a tool that will allow members to calculate their own carbon footprint.
The tool calculates the carbon footprint of a company’s manufacturing operations, such as greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the fabrication of steel, and the footprint resulting from business operations such as administration, design and drawing operations. Both of these are then added together to give the total carbon footprint.
“Members have been asking for a carbon footprint for the steel element of their structure,” said Dr David Moore, BCSA Director of Engineering. “The tool can also be used to determine the carbon footprint for the finished primary, and where appropriate, secondary structural steelwork erected on site.”
The BCSA tool is a simple spreadsheet and the methodology is based on The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (published by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the World Resource Institute) and PAS 2050 Specification for the measurement of the embodied greenhouse gas emissions in products and services (published by BSI).