Around the Press – November/December 2010
Construction News
14 October 2010
Leaning city library tears up the rulebook
(Canada Water library) When complete, the entire building will be held together by a steel roof, which will act like a drum skin and brace the entire structure.
The Structural Engineer
5 October 2010
Design for durable structural steelwork in New Zealand
Steel is one of the most sustainable materials on Earth. It is 100% reusable, recyclable, easy to use and maintain. To complement the numerous benefits of steel and extend its life, suitable protective measures must be taken to ensure structural performance is not reduced over its design life.
The Financial Times
9 October 2010
Olympic benefits spread across UK
(Letter from Olympic Delivery Authority Chairman John Armitt) The main construction contract for the Olympic Stadium is with Sir Robert McAlpine, the multimillion pound subcontract for the fabrication of steel was awarded to Watsons, a company based in the north-west. Likewise, the main contract for the aquatic centre is with Balfour Beatty, but the subcontract for the steel, which is not included in the figures published, is with Rowecord in Wales, and is another multimillion pound contract.
Building Magazine
8 October 2010
Gilt trip
(Savoy Hotel refurbishment) The riverside suites now have great views over the Thames. This involved getting rid of the bathrooms sandwiched between the original façade and another added in 1910, which is suspended from huge red beams. The original façade supported these beams, which necessitated new structural steelwork.