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Essential reading for your Steel Design to the Eurocodes

As part of your essential support of Steel Design to the Eurocodes, your library of information wouldn’t be complete without the following three publications. In their own right each publication stands alone as providing good in-depth technical guidance, together they form a  comprehensive information base for your eurocode design requirements.

Steel Building Design; Design Data

(SCI/BCSA Eurocode Blue Book) 
The “Blue Book” is the essential aid for the design of steelwork. Section property tables and comprehensive tables of member resistances are given for grades S275 and S355. This edition provides resistances in accordance with the relevant UK National Annexes.
(Normal price:  £80 for Non SCI or BCSA Members, £60 for SCI or BCSA Members)

Steel Building Design: Concise Eurocodes
This guide cuts through the apparent complexity of the Eurocodes for steel design and provides the designer with a digestible approach to common tasks. Guidance is presented on design routes, with references to Eurocode clauses. Formulae are converted into look-up tables and design tips are highlighted. The compilation includes the related provisions in the UK National Annex.
(Normal price: £50 for Non SCI or BCSA Members, £25 for SCI or BCSA Members)

Steel Building Design: Worked Examples for Students (UK Version)
Although prepared with students in mind, this guide is a very valuable reference for practicing engineers as it provides 12 worked examples of common design situations and includes the influence of the UK National Annex.
(Normal price: £30 Non SCI  or BCSA Member Price, £15 SCI or BCSA Member Price)

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