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BCSA publishes no-deal Brexit conformity guide
The British Constructional Steelwork Association (BCSA) has published a guide outlining how the steel construction sector can meet the requirements of UKCA …
President’s Column: April 2019
Most of us already know that the government wants construction and infrastructure projects to incorporate greater levels of offsite manufacturing. But more …
President’s Column: September 2018
While BCSA steelwork contractors are required to have a fabrication facility in the UK or Ireland that meets stringent quality standards and undergo a …
BCSA President highlights members’ professionalism and high standards
Speaking at the British Constructional Steelwork Association’s (BCSA) 41st National Dinner, BCSA President Tim Outteridge (pictured right) praised the high …
Highly regarded engineer awarded Fellowship at National Dinner
The well-known and highly regarded structural engineer Roger Pope, who has been a specialist technical consultant to the BCSA and Tata Steel for many years, …
Eurocodes review launched
In response to the recent EU Referendum, BSI has been quick to confirm that it is business as usual in terms of the UK’s continued participation in the …
Light Steel Framing In Residential Construction (P402)
Light steel framing systems use galvanized cold formed steel sections as the primary structural components, which can be assembled as prefabricated panels. …
Decking manufacturers reach the standard
SCI Senior Engineer Andy Smith explains how decking manufacturers ensure their products comply with the relevant standard. Characteristic resistances from …
SCI advises on CE Marking for steel construction
The SCI has issued advice on the impact of CE Marking on the steel construction industry. SCI said all construction products covered by a harmonised European …
This way to CE Marking
The BCSA outlines the measures which must be undertaken to fulfill the requirements of BS EN 1090-1, that allows companies to CE Mark its structural steelwork. …