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AD 455: Design resistances for bespoke components in P358 (Green Book)
A reader has questioned the design resistances tabulated for bespoke components in P358 – the Green Book for nominally pinned joints to Eurocode 3. The …
AD 422: Punching shear check for fin plates in P358
This AD note relates to Check 10 for fin plates in P358 Simple Joints to Eurocode 3 (the Eurocode “Green Book” on simple connections). Check 10 includes …
AD 386: Clarification of notch dimensions and shear resistances in SCI P358 (Green Book on Simple Joints)
On page T-4 of SCI P358[1], Table G.1 Note 4 states that for double notched beams, the remaining depth of web is taken as the end plate length. This is …