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President’s column – June 2023
As my time as BCSA President is ending, it’s natural for me to reflect on the past three years in office and the challenging times we have all faced. I was …
President’s Column: January 2021
At the time of writing this article (7th December), we don’t know whether we will have a Brexit deal or perhaps yet another transition extension. What has …
President’s Column June 2020
The lockdown is starting to be relaxed and although things won’t be back to normal any time soon, a lot of construction sites are open (with the exception of …
President’s Column May 2020
We’re all acclimatising ourselves to new ways of working. For most steelwork contractors the restrictions have resulted in home working and social distancing …
Steel builds for the future
As NSC went to press the latest news in the very fast-moving COVID-19 crisis was, at last, positive. The rate of increase in the numbers of new cases looked …
Slow return to ‘normal’ begins
A phased return towards the full level of working on construction sites in England, Wales and Northern Ireland was underway as we went to press, and an …