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New Heathrow terminal waits to take off

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Another massive steel-framed building project at Heathrow Airport is in view after BAA appointed a team to work up plans for a new terminal building to replace Terminal 2.

An integrated team including Foster & Partners and consulting engineer Arup will now work up detailed plans for a terminal building which will be bigger than Terminal 5 and capable of handling 30m passengers a year. The building will sit on the site of the demolished Terminal 2 and the adjacent Queen Elizabeth office block, and also take up space to the east of the existing buildings.

The team will provide early stage construction advice to BAA ahead of a planning application expected in 2007. It is hoped the £1,500M project will gain planning permission in 2008, avoiding the lengthy public inquiry that delayed planning consent for Terminal 5 because the building will replace existing facilities. The project is expected to start on site in 2009 and complete in time for the 2012 London Olympics.

BAA said that there was a unique opportunity to do the project before Terminal 5 got up to full capacity. This would allow aircraft using Terminal 2 to transfer to Terminal 5 while the new facility is built.

“The significant increase in capacity created by Terminal 5 gives us a once in a lifetime opportunity to look at the rest of Heathrow and think creatively about how we can use our current very limited space better,” said Mick Temple, Managing Director, BAA Heathrow.

Mike Forster, Business Strategy Director at BAA added: “These companies will help us to understand the key elements of the project in the weeks and months ahead. It is important to stress that they have been appointed for early design and development work only.”

Heathrow’s Terminal 5 building is around three quarters complete and on schedule for its completion date of April 2008, said BAA.

The £4,200M project on a 260ha site between Heathrow’s two runways will include the largest single span structure in the UK at 396m long and 39m high.

The completed steel frame is connected by 22 steel box section rafters. The structure uses 80,000t of structural steel which has all been pre-fabricated off site by BAA framework supplier Watson Steel.

The T5 project also includes two satellite buildings, 4,200 seat multi storey car park, 600 bed hotel and 60 aircraft stands.

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