More exacting certification for Celsius® sections
Tata Steel Celsius® 355 hot finished hollow section is manufactured exclusively from normalised, fine grain steel. This enables the customer to benefit from many advantages – in both performance and processing.
Celsius® 355 is supplied with an inspection certificate type 3.1. This guarantees that the products comply with European Standard EN10210. Until now, however, the product certification has not fully reflected the quality and traceability inherent in Celsius® 355.
Tata Steel is now certifying the product to comply with the improved standard BS
Celsius® 355 product will be dual certified and fully meet the requirements for BS EN10210:S355NH & BS EN10210:S355J2H.
A six page flyer, detailing Tata Steel Celsius® 355 sections, is distributed with this issue of New Steel Construction. The flyer can be downloaded at