Members out in force for SCI annual event
More than 90 steel construction professionals attended the Steel Construction Institute (SCI) annual event for members which was held at the Tower of London.
Graham Couchman (pictured), CEO of SCI, opened the members day by explaining the event’s theme of design team integration.
He said that not many engineers are fortunate enough to experience at first hand all aspects of the research-design-fabricate-construct sequence during their careers, but they can certainly improve their contribution to part of that chain by better understanding the roles and aims of others.
George Oates, an Associate of Expedition Engineering, took up the baton and spoke about the London 2012 Velodrome. He said the numerous constraints on the project meant that design and construction teams working closely together was the only way it could be delivered on time and to budget.
Simon Bingham, Managing Director of Caunton Engineering, then explained a steelwork contractor’s view of design integration, highlighting a number of issues associated with BIM and emphasising the very tight time constraints that his business must work within.
The final guest speaker was Gordon Deuce, Chief Engineer of Mace and he highlighted a number of examples where minor changes to the design could have greatly facilitated the construction of a given building. He repeated the mantra that lowest weight is not lowest cost if it results in extra work or restrictions.
Closing the event, David Brown, an Associate of SCI, highlighted the knowledge and experience at SCI, represented through its on-line technical information (Steelbiz) and telephone advisory service.
The event was recorded and is available from SCI’s website