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Manufacturer Farrat welcomes local MP

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Left to right: Farrat Production Manager Gareth Hogburn; BCSA CEO Dr David Moore; BCSA Strategic Marketing Manager Zoe Williams: Altrincham and Sale West MP Sir Graham Brady; and Farrat Commercial Manager – Structural Thermal Breaks Chris Lister.

Founded in 1959 and renowned for its manufacture of components for acoustic isolation/insulation, building and machinery vibration control as well as products to create thermal breaks, Farrat has welcomed local Altrincham MP Sir Graham Brady to its facility.

Farrat Commercial Manager Chris Lister said: “It was fantastic to host the visit to our Altrincham site and be able to show the hub of our global operations in the heart of his constituency.

“We are strong supporters of the BCSA drive to fully utilise British supplied steel and the world-class fabrication and design services found in the UK, which we are proud to be a part of.”

Sir Graham Brady was impressed hearing not only of the complexity of projects Farrat is involved with, but the investment it makes in the local community, sponsoring PhD students and giving presentations to schools targeting the STEM curriculum.

Farrat Production Manager Gareth Hogburn gave a tour of the manufacturing facilities, explaining the process of how the company gets from raw material to end products.

He also explained the research that is ongoing into finding more sustainable and eco-friendly materials with the same inherent performance requirements for the future – making their products more easily recyclable when the building they have been installed in comes to the end of its life.

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