Environmental awards for steel

Left ro right: Vicky Butler-Henderson, Fifth Gear presenter, Jeff Schofield, Hewden (award sponsors), Sue Sharples of Barrett Steel Buildings and Emma Penny, Editor of Contract Journal
Two prestigious awards, endorsing the steel construction industry’s environmental and sustainability credentials, have recently been won.
Barrett Steel Buildings picked up the award for Environmental Leadership at this year’s Contract Journal Construction Industry Awards, while Manchester’s Civil Justice Centre was honoured as the Green Major Project of the Year at the Green Construction Awards 2007.
Sue Sharples, Joint Managing Director of Barrett Steel Buildings, said: “I am delighted that we won this award. We have worked extremely hard to ensure our activities and methods are a leading example within the industry.”
The company was in the running with three other organisations for the Contract Journal award, however because of its commitment to developing a sustainability policy and calculating a carbon footprint over the last year, it scooped the accolade.
Judges at the Green Construction Awards, said the Manchester Civil Justice Centre provides environmental solutions through the integration of engineering and architecture.
Environmental features include natural ventilation via wind scoops, an intelligent building management system and veil on one facade which helps reduce cooling load energy consumption by 20%.
The construction team for the project included William Hare, steelwork contractor; Mott MacDonald, structural engineer; Bovis Lend Lease, main contractor; and Denton Corker Marshall, architect.