CE Marking comes into force
As NSC went to press CE Marking of fabricated structural steelwork, in accordance with BS EN 1090-1, was expected to come into force in the UK and the Republic of Ireland (ROI).
“A CE Marking standard generally has a one year co-existence period when either national provisions or CE Marking may be used,” said Dr David Moore, BCSA Director of Engineering.
“This period is to allow steelwork contractors and other manufacturers of steelwork components to put into place the necessary certified Factory Production Control (FPC) and Welding Quality Management systems to comply with BS EN 1090-1, as well as to complete any non CE Marking contracts.”
Steelwork contractors will need to have their FPC systems assessed by a Notified Body, which is similar to a certification body. The Steel Construction Certification Scheme (SCCS) has applied for Notified Body status and it is currently able to offer companies a gap analysis to identify any shortcomings in their systems. SCCS can also offer BS EN 1090-1 certificates in readiness for the introduction of CE Marking.
However, CE Marking is likely to remain optional in the UK and the ROI until the Construction Products Directive (CPD) is replaced by the Construction Products Regulations (CPR).
The main difference between the CPD and the CPR is that under the latter CE Marking is mandatory instead of optional. The CPR is expected to come in to force in mid 2013.
The expected timetable for CE Marking of fabriated steelwork is:
- CE Marking voluntary – imminent
- CE Marking mandatory in most member states – 01 July 2012
- CE Marking mandatory in the UK and ROI – mid 2013