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British Steel publishes a pocket guide Low-Carbon Roadmap

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Following on from last year’s Low-Carbon Roadmap, British Steel has unveiled a Pocket Guide that outlines the decarbonisation challenge that is faced by the steel industry, outlines the targets the company has set itself, and explains how it aims to meet them.

Steel is the world’s most recycled material, and as an enabling material it provides the basis for others to decarbonise, while also playing a key role in the transition to a zero-carbon economy.

The UK has set itself an ambitious 78% reduction target on emissions by 2035 from 1990 levels, and it has also set a net-zero target by 2050.

British Steel said by adopting the science-based objectives set out in its Low-Carbon Roadmap – A Pocket Guide, it can reduce its CO2 and meet these targets.

British Steel Commercial Director Ben Cunliffe said: “We’re working towards one of the most significant carbon reduction projects across the UK. It is vitally important we play our part now for the benefit of future generations.”

British Steel is already making efforts towards decarbonisation, by producing products such as weathering steel structural sections that have an extended life due to a protective oxide layer, and S460M sections, which are said to offer increased strength with a lighter weight.

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