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AD 512: Eurocode requirements for wind bracing connections
AD 509 reminded designers that according to BS 5950, preloaded assemblies are not required when reversal is solely due to wind loading. The AD recommended that …
Bearing splice in a column
The design of column splices is covered in BS EN 1993-1-8 where it is lumped together with the moment resistance of beam-to-column joints. Richard Henderson of …
AD 438: Non-slip connections to BS 5950
This AD deals with the BS 5950 provisions for connections designed to be non-slip in service, as described in clause 6.4.1(b). Designers now using the …
AD 434: Validity rules for hollow section joints
This AD note concerns a significant typographical error in Table 7.8 of BS EN 1993-1-8. The table presents validity limits for welded joints between hollow …