NSC Archives


Science block rises with steel

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Working on behalf of Morgan Sindall, Elland Steel Structures is erecting 1,100t of structural steelwork for The University of Salford’s Science, Engineering and Environmental Building (SEE).

The four-storey, 15,550m2 SEE Building will be occupied by the University’s departments of Robotics, Built Environment, Civil, Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science and Networking, Human and Natural Science and The Morson Maker Space (an additive and digital manufacturing hub).

The new structure is a braced frame, using a composite solution of steel beams supporting metal decking and a concrete topping to form the floors. Typically, columns are hot rolled UC sections, except at the entrance where feature CHS columns are utilised.

According to Morgan Sindall Senior Project Manager Justin Kay, the project was not always going to be built using this framing solution.

“It was originally going to be a concrete-framed building, but in order to deliver the job within budget we had to undertake a value engineering exercise, whereby the design was changed to steel.”

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