News in Brief – November/December 2008
World Steel Association (Worldsteel) is the new name of The International Iron and Steel Institute. Speaking at the recent steel industry annual conference, Director General Ian Christmas, said: “Since we were founded in 1967 the world for steel has changed and our new name provides a simple description of our role…”
The Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE) has published the Manual for the design of steelwork building structures (third edition). The publication costs £40 to IStructE members and £60 to non members. Tel: 020 7235 4535 for more information.
SCI will hold its annual dinner at The Landmark, London on 20 November 2008. This year’s speaker is Dr. Phil Hammond, GP, writer, broadcaster and comedian. For more details contact Liz Chamberlain, tel: 01344 636525.
Severfield-Rowen’s steelwork facilities at Dalton (Severfield-Reeve Structures), Bolton (Watson Steel Structures) and Scarborough (Atlas Ward Structures) have installed Reactec’s HAVmeter apparatus. The health and safety device, the size and shape of a pager, is an accurate personal monitor for Hand Arm Vibration exposure and carried by users throughout the working day.
A bi-directional link between Tekla Structures’ Building Information Modelling (BIM) software and Leighs Paints FIRETEX software will be available in early 2009. The link will help clients significantly speed up fire protection paint calculations.