Weekly News
Composite beam checking tool upgraded
The Composite Beam Checking Tool on www.steelconstruction.info has been upgraded to include the latest guidance in SCI-P405 minimum degree of shear connection rules for UK construction to Eurocode 4, guidance that was produced with British Constructional Steelwork Association (BCSA) and Tata Steel funding.
“For many years composite construction has played a major role in the commercial success of the steel construction sector in the UK. The rules incorporated into the upgraded Composite Beam Checking tool complement those given in Eurocode 4, and in so doing will enable valid designs to be produced for a broader range of beams,” said SCI CEO Graham Couchman.
The software calculates design resistances for shear studs when used in the presence of modern forms of decking. It also determines the minimum number of studs that are needed on a range of beams (the minimum degree of shear connection).
In many cases this minimum is lower than would be required by EN 1994-1-1 (and BS 5950-3.1 prior to its amendment in 2010).
The combination of less onerous requirements for minimum degree of shear connection, and lower stud resistances, allows many composite beams to be designed that would not satisfy the rules given in EN 1994-1-1.
As well as new minimum shear connection limits, the updated software also covers the effect of partial interaction on deflections and a total deflection check with an absolute limit of L/200.
This web-based software tool and others can be found at: www.steelconstruction.info/Design_software_and_tools