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Tata Steel presents professional development

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CPD150430In-house seminars primarily aimed at the structural engineering sector and hosted by experienced engineers are available from Tata Steel as part of its Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme.

A total of 13 different in-house Structural Steel CPD seminars are available, with each one lasting approximately one hour and usually presented at a company’s premises around lunchtime.

The format for the CPDs consists of a presentation delivered by one of Tata Steel’s experienced team of regional engineers, followed by a question and answer session.

Structural Steel CPDs include Composite Floor Deck in Construction, which addresses key issues such as sustainability, lifecycle costs and environmental impact, while Composite Beam Design to Eurocode 4 summarises the guidance, highlighting NCCI and arrangements adopted in the UK.

The other Structural Steel CPDs are:

Tata Steel also delivers Envelope and Sustainability CPD Seminars aimed primarily at architects.
To register interest in these CPD’s visit: and complete the request form.

Photo: Michael Coghlan

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