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The ever changing moods of composite slabs
There has been significant interest recently in the vertical shear resistance of composite slabs. This is partly due to different values offered by …
The resistance of cross sections subject to shear and bending – theoretical analysis and practical design rules
Sections subject to both bending and shear have a reduced bending resistance where the shear force is greater than half the shear resistance. Richard Henderson …
AD 413: Shear resistances of M12 bolts
Designers using paper or online versions of the Eurocode Blue Book may have noted that the shear resistance of an M12 bolt has different values quoted, …
The design of hybrid fabricated girders – part 2
In Part Two of the article, David Brown of the SCI discusses the lateral torsional buckling resistance and shear resistance of hybrid
AD 386: Clarification of notch dimensions and shear resistances in SCI P358 (Green Book on Simple Joints)
On page T-4 of SCI P358[1], Table G.1 Note 4 states that for double notched beams, the remaining depth of web is taken as the end plate length. This is …
AD 368: Shear resistance of I-sections in P363
This Advisory Desk Note provides clarification and further guidance on the design shear resistance values given in SCI P363 Steel building design: Design data …