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President’s Column July/August 2022
Steelwork contractor members of the BCSA fabricate and erect half of the structural steel in the UK and Ireland, but there are literally hundreds of other …
President’s Column: February 2022
The legacy of Covid is still causing problems, there is still a significant amount of money that has been artificially put into the system by most western …
Updated steel industry information
The 2008 Directory for Specifiers and Buyers in the steel construction industry is now available. This essential directory lists details of every BCSA member …
BCSA training initiative launched
BCSA said it is in the planning stage for what will be the most wide ranging and comprehensive training programme for the steel industry. Covering all skills …
Training for paint applicators to be compulsory
All paint applicators, whether site or factory based, will be required to undertake a new training programme from next year for the painting of all steelwork …
Essential steel industry information
The 2006 Directory for Specifiers and Buyers in the steel construction industry is out now. This essential directory lists details of every BCSA member for …
Joining the RQSC will enhance reputations
The BCSA hasn’t exactly hidden itself behind the scenes over the years – New Steel Construction appearing ten times a year for the past 18 years is by …