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Weekly News

Sheerness leisure centre to get major revamp

Plans to improve access to health and leisure facilities in Sheerness have been approved.

The project is a key component of Swale Borough Council’s £20 million Sheerness Revival programme – funded by the UK Government – which aims to improve the health and wellbeing, education, and leisure facilities on the Island and create new employment and training opportunities for local people.

The plans will create a significant expansion of the existing offering. The GP facilities will be moved to the ground floor to improve access, while improved leisure facilities within the centre, will include a new adventure play area and tag active – a fun modern activity for kids (and adults) to get exercise while traversing an obstacle course.

The existing gym facilities will be expanded and refurbished, and a new café is planned.

Councillor Monique Bonney, Swale Borough Council Chair for the Economy and Property Committee, said: “Improvements to the GP facilities and charity space are central to our plans for Beachfields because access to quality healthcare is fundamental to a healthy community.

“We also want the leisure complex to become a place for children to play, even when the weather isn’t great, so our plans include the creation of a soft play area and tag active.”

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